8th Grade World Geography


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Second Nine Weeks

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Fourth Nine Weeks

First Nine Weeks

Human Origins

Human Origins

Learning about the origins of humankind, its changes, and its advancements throughout pre-history.



River Valley Civilizations

The first civilizations of Earth begin around many fresh water rivers of Asia and Africa.


Classical Civilizations

Classical Civilizations

We visit Persia, India, and China as they grow from ancient civilizations into distinct cultures. We also examine the religions which started there: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.


Second Nine Weeks

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Greece Civiization

Greece Civiization

We continue looking at developing civilizations if the ancient world by turning to Greece. The beginnings of Democracy makes Greece very influential on the United States.

Roman Civilization

Roman Civilization

After Greece falls to Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire begins building to its west. This civilization directly influences our own American Government.

The Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine Empire

After Emperor Constantine moves the Roman capital to Constantinople, the Roman Empire declines. The eastern part of the Roman Empire becomes nicknamed the "Eastern Roman Empire" and grows into what is named the Byzantine Empire. It takes over many of the former Roman lands and develops differently from the western territory.

Third Nine Weeks

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The Islamic Empire

The Islamic Empire

Mohammad travels the Middle East spreading his newfound religion Islam. His followers build a new empire, surrounding the Mediterranean, based on his teachings.

European society

Middle Ages (Medieval Times)

European society changes around 800-1000 A.D. Kingdoms arrive, with Kings and Queens, and establish the feudal system as a new class system for society.

Asia and Africa Map

Middle Ages - Asia and Africa

While Europe develops in the Age of Charlemagne, Africa and Asia build their own civilizations at the same time. Though not as technologically advanced, the new trade routes connecting all three continents begin to mix the inventions and cultures.

Fourth Nine Weeks

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The Americas

While civilizations rise and fall in Europe, Asia, and Africa, large civilizations begin and end in the Americas also. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca build empires which thrive until the coming of the Europeans.

The Rise of Nations

The Rise of Nations

Through kings and battles new nations will come together with distinct borders: England, France, Spain, and Russia. Meanwhile the Mongols travel the Asian plans wreaking havoc and building their own empire. But everyone is affected the same by a new killer. The Black Plague. It will wipe out 30% of the world's population and plunge the known world into "darkness."

Crusades Mongols and Plagues

Crusades, Mongols, and Plagues

During the late Middle Ages Pope Urban calls for a military offense to regain control of the Holy Land, Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Genghis Kahn and his evergrowing group of Mongols rules the lands between Asia, Europe, and Southwest Asia. Next, disaster strikes. One-third of the world's population is killed by a new disease, the Bubonic Plague.

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