Our students were met with a 6 week challenge in November and December, in which their attendance days were be turned into dollars. On Wednesday, December 14, our students were able to present the Humane Society of Amherst County a $300 donation to care for the animals. They also got to meet Spencer, a 6 month old lab mix and see exactly where their efforts were going.
Spencer was adopted soon after his visit to our school - what a lucky family. We are incredibly proud of our students and thank the humane society for introducing us to Spencer!
Along with the donated to the Humane Society, we held an incentive drawing for our students. For each week that a student was present all week their name was put into the drawing. Two lucky student names were drawn during morning announcements on January 3. Jaizeon and Isaiah both won some amazing gifts from the community for showing up to school!
Prizes included:
1 month membership to RISE for 2
$25 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods
$20 gift card to La Carratta's
$20 gift card to Walmart
Tubing for 2 at Liberty's SnowFlex
Bowling for 2 at Liberty
SeaQuest admissions for 3
Starbuck reusable coffee cup